Thursday, October 8, 2009

What a wonderful day!

Today was our Baremineral Party! Of course I made too much food, but what can I say? I'm German, my mother brought me up to feed guests and that part I do very well:)

This was our first party and what a blast we had, we had no learning curve to go by, but that was okay, it was just a bunch of girls eating chocolate, cheese & crackers and drinking various wines! How perfect!

Everyone started in the facial room, cleansing their face, used a hot towel to remove the cleanser, tone and then moisturize. Then on to foundation, cheeks and eyes! Samantha rocked the eyes, then she had to leave so Courtney jumped in! Stacy was on lips and that group seemed to laugh the loudest! Lori even joined in and Michele was there for Moral support:) It was, as usual a great feel in the salon!

This morning, while checking my emails, I read Susan Major's blog, as soon as I get an email from her blog, I'm always quick to read it, I just love it! Today's post really touched me, partially because it was what I needed to hear. She is a lovely writer and is known for her insight into thoughts that are sometimes so crowded and hidden under lives...she see's it and writes about it and for that I adore her! There are so many of her posts that I just sit and read, sometimes two or three times. I encourage you to go to her blog and read through the archives...Today's was one of my is another one of my favorites..they both "speak" to me:) (don't forget to click on each highlighted will take you "there":)